Planning for a new career is often a challenging task. When you take the time to see what's out there, you might quickly realize that the options are slim. Furthermore, you might have trouble even figuring out if jobs are available in your industry, or what you're going to do if they aren't. The career skills that people need today differ greatly from the career skills that were once required in the working world. There more much more specific requirements for jobs in today's marketplace, considering that the positions that are available can be hard to find.
Employers today still look for people with the right skills for the job, but will also hire those who have a broad range of abilities because it gives them more options. It is far easier to move someone around within a company than it is to hire new people for positions and have to train them all over again. You should focus on having the skills necessary for any job that you seek, as well as other skills that you can offer the company. Another essential thing that you have to have in today's competitive market is the ability to prove to the employer that you are worth hiring. When there are 100 applications and only one position available, your application or resume needs to stand out above the rest and scream that you are the right person for the job.
Have the ability to adapt, because employers like that. They like being able to hire people who are grounded in their knowledge and experience, but who are also flexible and willing to adapt to different circumstances and environments. You should be hardworking, committed to the job, and able to work without constant supervision. These might all seem like basic career skills, but they are critical to your success in the very small and highly competitive job market of today. With very few positions to fill and the need to fill them properly the first time, employers want to make sure that they hire the best people every single time.
Being focused and task-oriented are two more career skills that are especially critical right now. With the state of the economy, no business can afford to waste valuable time on people who don't do their jobs correctly or work too slowly. They need efficient people who can get the job done right and quickly so that their business isn't spending more than it needs to. The final two skills that you need to have are the abilities to be innovative and forward thinking. Companies are looking to the future and are always looking for new, better ways to do things, which is why they want employees who are able to do just that.